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Chiroque-Solano PM (2023). Identifying Heterogeneity in Regression Compositional Data Integration with Many Categories. In review. doi.
Pádua, L.; Chiroque-Solano PM; Marques, P.; Sousa, J.J.; Peres, E. Mapping the Leaf Area Index of Castanea sativa Miller Using UAV-Based Multispectral and Geometrical Data. Drones 2022, 6, 422. doi.
M. Bergalli, B. Gaudencio, P. Magalhaes, Chiroque-Solano PM, and et al. The Covid-19 Protection Index (CPI) as a Way to Identify Vulnerabilities and Disparities Across Brazilian Territories. In Geohazards and Disaster Risk Reduction Multidisciplinary and Integrated Approaches. Springer. 2023. doi.
Chiroque-Solano PM and Guido A. Moreira. (2022) A robust clustering method using compositional data restrictions: Studying wood properties in the reforestation of portugal. Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2022. doi.
Chiroque-Solano PM and Fernando Moura. (2021) A heavy-tailed and overdispersed collective risk model. North American Actuarial Journal, 0(0):1–13, 2021. doi.
Cardoso, Falsarella, Chiroque-Solano PM, et al. (2021) Coral growth bands recorded trace elements associated with the fund˜ao dam collapse. Science of The Total Environment, 2021. doi.
Teixeira CD, Chiroque-Solano PM, Ribeiro FV, Carlos-Júnior LA, Neves LM, Salomon PS, et al. (2021) Decadal (2006-2018) dynamics of Southwestern Atlantic’s largest turbid zone reefs. PLoS ONE doi
Moura, Abieri, Castro, Carlos-Júnior, Chiroque-Solano et. al. (2021) Tropical rhodolith beds are a major and belittled reef fish habitat. Nature:Scientific Reports doi
Delgado, Shimabuku, Chiroque-Solano. (2020) COVID-19 Waves: Importance of Accumulative Mortality per Million Inhabitants. Experimental Medicine. doi
Richard Chiroque-Solano, Chiroque-Solano. (2017) Visibilidad de la Revista Médica Herediana: Una revisión mediante Google Scholar. Medicine. doi