(Machine Learning) Regression Based on Tree for Outcomes with Closed Boundary Domain. (Link)
(Precision Medicine) Vorhersage von individuellen Effekten (Predicting individual treament effects). (Link)
(Machine Learning in Remote Sensing). Probabilistic Models and Machine Learning Algorithms to predict Biomass and LAI for Multispectral-LiDAR UAV-based Data. (Link).
(Machine Learning in Remote Sensing). Mapping leaf area index of chestnut trees using multispectral data from unmanned aerial vehicles. (Link).
(Geo-Statistics for Climate change). Interactions between orographic, atmospheric conditions and phytochemical parameters of grapevine cultivar tempranillo. using geospatial modeling.
(Microbiology). Community surveillance of covid-19: a bayesian hierarchical dynamic approach to model and interpret sars-cov-2 load in wastewater. Working progress in collaboration with T. Marques, and M. Vieira.
(Multivariate Analysis for Biology). Coral growth bands recorded trace elements associated with the fundão dam collapse. 2021. (Link)
(Multivariate Analysis for Biology). Decadal (2006-2018) dynamics of southwestern atlantic’s largest turbid zone reefs. (Link)
(Multivariate Analysis for Biology). Tropical rhodolith beds are a major and belittled reef fish habitat. (Link)
(Epidemiology). Covid-19 waves: Importance of accumulative mortality per million inhabitants. 2020. (Link)
(Classification Problem). A robust clustering method using compositional data restrictions: Studying wood properties in the reforestation of portugal. 2022. (Link)
(Risk model). A heavy-tailed and overdispersed collective risk model. 2021. (Link)
(Risk model). Insurance pricing and risk measures on collective risk model. 2022. (Link)
(Statistical Modeling in Ecology). International Statistical Ecology Conference - 27 June – 1 July, 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa. Variability issues in compositional regression models to understand the marine community dynamic of Abrolhos in Brazil. A hierarchical approach using Bayesian inference. 2022. (Link)
(Statistical Modeling in Ecology). Program Ecology Conference - UFRJ on December 2 2020. Title: “Modelo de efeitos variando no tempo para dados composicionais”. (Link)
(Statistical Modeling in Ecology). virtual International Statistical Ecology Conference - Sydney Austrália on June 24 2020. Title: “Hierarchy for Time-Dependent Quantile regression model to predict coral cover”. (Link)
(COVID-19) Maps: covid-19 pandemic vulnerability index . (Link)
(CPI) The Covid-19 Protection Index. (Link).
(Statistical Methods in Medical Research). Joint modeling of longitudinal markers and survival data: an approach via dynamic hierarchical models (Thesis) (Thesis)
(Demographic and Social Research). Summer International Scientific Meeting 2018 - Lima Perú. Title: “Symbolic violence in urban music: analyzing the artist, Maluma”. ECI2018
(Statistical Methods in Medical Research). 33 Foro Nacional de Estadística (33FNE) y XIII Congreso Latinoamericano de sociedades de estadística (13 CLATSE) - Guadalajara Mexico. Title: “A flexible joint model for time-to-event and a sequence of longitudinal biomarker data, a full dynamic hierarchical approach”. CLATSE 2018
(Statistical Methods in Medical Research). V Congreso Latinoamericano de Estatística Bayesiana - Guanajuato Mexico. Title: “A joint dynamic hierarchical multi-state model”. Cobal 2017
(Bibliometry). Visibilidad de la revista médica herediana. Una revisión mediante google scholar. (Link)
(Risk Model). IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Estatística Bayesiana - Medellin Colombia. Title: “Modelo Hierárquico Robusto para o Risco Coletivo sobre abordagem Bayesiano”. Cobal 2015
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## [1] "Fri Oct 11 23:27:06 2024"